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Products Devitro

Modernity and Sophistication

In this decoration you will find the colors: Copper Transl, Copper Cemented, Cream, Copper Espel. Wood, Resin, Glass, Porcelain.

Products Devitro

Discreet Beauty

In this decoration you will find the colors: Bronze, Cemented Copper. Of materials: Glass, Frame, Necklaces, Porcelain and Resin.

Products Devitro

Ozone and Ocean

In this decoration you will find the colors: Oceano Transl, Oceano Acet Claro, Clean. Porcelain, Murano Glass, Fibers.

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Est Mun Hermelinda Ferraresso, 501 -Santa Cruz-Pedreira-SP
CEP 13920-000-Cx Postal 200


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Cel:  (19) 9 8395-6615